Evaluation of a cluster of projects in Response to the Beirut Port Explosion



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French Agency For Development

Through the individual evaluation of six projects, a documentary analysis of five additional projects, and an in-depth cross-sectional analysis of these eleven projects, this study pursued the following objectives:

  • Evaluate the response to the Beirut port explosion through the analysis of a sample of projects in order to provide objective elements of outcomes and impact. Research questions were structured according to evaluation criteria of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Assistance Committee (DAC). The cross-cutting analysis resulting from this in-depth work goes beyond a simple comparative analysis between projects. It provides an analysis of the relevance and value-added of the AFD as a development donor during an emergency response;
  • Develop strategic and operational recommendations to inform crisis response strategies with a view to “feeding the AFD’s strategic reflection on its positioning on interventions in crisis and emergency contexts”, both in the Lebanese context and in general; and
  • Understand the perception and visibility of the AFD and of France as a donor in this context, i.e. “to assess the visibility of the AFD and France through the interventions financed”.

The research covered several sectors including health, MHPSS, economic resilience, education and vocational training as well as urban rehabilitation. It was concluded with a series of workshops involving both implementing partners and various AFD teams in order to identify and prioritize recommendations for future crisis response.

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