Endline assessment of the project “Pathways for Peace”

Endline assessment of the Pathways for Peace or Search for Common Ground


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Search For Common Ground

The objective of this Endline assessment was to evaluate the impact of the project implemented by Search for Common Ground (Search) entitled “Pathways for Peace”, implemented from October 2020 to December 2021 in the Middle East. The project overall aimed to enable local leaders (traditional, non-traditional, formal and informal) to assess sources of inter-and intra-communal tensions in their communities and create opportunities and an enabling environment for cooperation across dividing lines to enhance local-level cohesion in the context of local and national conflict and to reduce and prevent violence. 

To achieve the overall goal, activities were conducted with local leaders and supported by local collaborators and were structured around two specific objectives: (1) Enhance the capacity of local leaders (formal and informal) in conflict analysis, dialogue and conflict mitigation in target communities (by proposing training sessions and coaching activities); and (2) Promote collaboration in target communities around the shared interest to constructively address points of conflicts (by proposing local-level dialogue processes and conflict mitigation community initiatives).

ITAR led a two-month evaluation of the project following OECD DAC criteria.

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