Endline Assessment of the PACES project

Endline Assessment of the PACES project for ASMAE


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The project PACES was implemented by ASMAE in Lebanon in 2020 and 2021, co-financed by the AFD and ASMAE. It involved two partners for the implementation of activities, Basmeh&Zeitooneh (“B&Z”) in the camp of Shatila, and Jafra Foundation for Relief and Youth Development (Jafra) in the camp of Burj El-Barajneh.

The overall objective of the project was to improve the service delivery to the most vulnerable children and adolescents in terms of education and protection services, including psychosocial support (PSS). The target groups of this projects were all cohorts living in the camps and around them, including Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese cohorts. To achieve this overall objective, activities were organised under three specific objectives:

  • Based on needs assessments, capacity building of staff and delivery of education services to children in order to provide certificates and promote formal education;
  • Based on needs assessments, capacity building of staff and delivery of protection activities to children and caregivers in order to improve child development through life skills and knowledge, emotional well-being and social well-being; and
  • capacity building in terms of organisation and processes for implementing partners.

ITAR led a two-month evaluation of the project following OECD DAC criteria. The evaluation relied on a mix approach including Key Informants Interviews, a quantitative survey, and Focus Group Discussions.

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