DRC has led several key learning initiatives about diaspora engagement across the world with the Diaspora programme. ITAR Consultants was commissioned by the Diaspora programme and DRC’s Lebanese Office to lead a mapping of existing diaspora engagement models in businesses in Lebanon. The research objectives were to understand existing diaspora business engagement models, for DRC to better engage and coordinate with them and jointly contribute to durable solutions for vulnerable and crisis affected populations of Lebanon.
In this context, the report produced proposed a mapping of existing diaspora business engagement models in five localities of interest for DRC Lebanon in the surroundings of Tripoli and in the Bekaa valley. The methodology was designed as a progressive approach where each step of data collection is thoroughly analysed to inform the next:
- The initial scoping visits were designed to interview key informants and intermediaries in the localities of interest. This allowed to gather preliminary insights on existing diaspora engagement initiatives and accordingly adjust the tools and sample strategy for the baseline mapping.
- The baseline mapping: relying on a survey in the five localities to grasp global trends of diaspora engagement and define different models of collaboration with local companies.
- The description of the selected diaspora engagement models: based on complementary key informant interviews (KIIs) with profiles identified during the survey. Information gaps as well as probing questions following the survey were explored in-depth in this additional qualitative data collection. These interviews took place in Lebanon with people previously surveyed and abroad with their diaspora partners or investors.
The research resulted in a report evaluating the influence of diaspora investments and remittances on companies’ management, financial and social outcomes. It systematically measures the impact of different models of engagement of the diaspora in terms of economic, social and personal development.